With JAMBAR, real
food is just the
How do you raise the potential of the energy bar? Start with real food ingredients. Organic. Fair trade certified. Premium ingredients, expertly combined to taste great and deliver maximum nutrition. That’s unexpected and unique. Could’ve stopped there. But let’s raise the bar. Every JAMBAR gives back to the community, promoting more human, joyful interactions. The energy you get is shared, and keeps growing. The world may not need another energy bar, but it can sure use a JAMBAR.

50% of profits
donated to
support music
and active living.
By promoting personal well-being and harmony in our communities, we’re reclaiming what makes us most human, most ourselves.

Founded by the
creator of the
original energy bar.
Jennifer Maxwell is a mom, a life-long athlete, a musician, and a food science and nutrition expert. In 1985, Jennifer and Brian Maxwell created PowerBar®. JAMBAR is her labor of love; inspired by the organic food movement, and dedicated to the human connections that make us feel vital and fulfilled.